Jobs Nursing Tips

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Circulating Nurse

A circulating nurse is a registered nurse whom is also an operating room nurse. Although a circulating nurse is referenced as being an operating room nurse they don’t actually scrub in for surgery. Their main participation with the surgery is to monitor equipment and supplies along with a variety of other administrative and supportive services as required by the position. The circulating nurse will also advocate for the patient whom is unable to advocate for themselves while under anesthesia. Being an advocate for the patient is a very important role, since there is no one else to do so if an emergency decision has to be made very quickly. If you are considering the circulating nurse career choice, you may also want to conceder continuing your education and becoming a theatre nurse. This is a person whom has a multitude of opportunity within the surgery it’s self. A theatre nurse may take the role of a circulating nurse, but they also have the opportunity to take the scrub nurse position in a surgical setting. Scrub nurses participate in the care of a patient before, during and after a surgical procedure. During surgery the scrub nurse is actually scrubbed in and is near the surgeon to hand him/her surgical instruments and to also help monitor and observe the patient for any changes or potential problems during surgery. Both the circulating nurse and the scrub nurse are required to know and understand operating room techniques required. For free career advice please contact your local college advisor.

What are some careers in nursing?

Nursing Career Salaries

Starting nursing salaries for new graduates approximately range from $27,123-$32,552 and in other areas, the nurses salary ranges may be around $30,000-$45,000 per year. Registered nurses receive additional pay for evening, night and weekend shifts. Nurses benefit packages might include health insurance, vacation, childcare, college tuition reimbursement, flexible scheduling holiday pay, and pension plans. Nurses with advanced nursing college degrees such as Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Midwives and Nurse Anesthetists make much higher salaries.

What are some careers in nursing?

Types of Nursing Specialities

Palliative Care
Community Health
Critical Care
Nursing Assistants
Perioperative Nursing
Wound Care
School Nursing

What are some careers in nursing?

Nurisng Jobs Resources

For all of your nursing needs, including nurse associations, school nurse associations, nurse informatics, state boards of nursing, state nursing associations, nurse anesthetist links, CRNA state chapters, nurse practitioner associations and links, more nurse practitioner links, clinical nurse specialist links, nurse midwife associations, additional employment resources, try visiting this site which offers a wide array of nursing-related links:

What is the job outlook for male nurses?

Outlook for Male Nurses

Nursing has been a preimarily female-dominated field for most of its history, and there is only about five percent of the total RN population that is male. Possibly the main reason for such a low number of male nurses is the stigma attached to it. Typically, men in the healthcare profession become doctors. A man who chooses to be a nurse is often looked upon with suspicion or even scorn, but not as much inside the medical facility or hospital as it is outside of a male nursing job. Often you will find the other patients and employees where you are employed will comment on how male nurses are better. Growing up, young boys need to know that not only is nursing a good career option, it also pays well. Incentives and student loan payback opportunities are common in many hospitals and medical facilities. The salary for a registered nurse may start at more than $16 an hour, with a $2,000 signing bonus for a two year commitment for example.

Explain sexual misconduct in nurses.

Sexual Misconduct of Nurses

When considering a career in nursing, consider that when patients are under the care of a nurse, they are vulnerable due to illnesses or injuries. Therefore, some nurses may sometimes be in a situation where intimate care is given, such as bathing and toileting, when the patient may be partially or fully undressed. It is the nurse's responsibility to set boundaries and respect a patient's privacy all of the time. A nurse may abuse the power given to them in these sitations to exploit the patient, which raises the question as to the nurse's ability to provide safe care to patients. It might not be very easy to find and recognize sexual misconduct in nurses. Overt actions would be kissing, fondling or openly flirting with patients. Covert actions might include, but are not limited to, exposure, touch or manipulation of genitalia that is not reasonably part of routine care, trading assignments to care for a specific patient, or performing a medically indicated procedure (ie: insertion of a Foley catheter) that is prolonged or changed to provide sexual gratification. Verbalizations and body gestures that might encourage the patient to become sexually involved are also unacceptable. It must also be added that a client's consent or encouragement of these actions is not an excuse for the nurse. It is always the responsibility of nurses to set and maintain appropriate boundaries between themselves and the patient.

What are some careers in nursing?

Careers in Nursing

Nurses may work in many practice areas such as hospitals, home care, private practice, public health, extended care centers, clinics, offices, schools, military service, corporations, health-related industries, hospice, occupational settings, or health and wellness centers.

Nurses may work in many specialty areas such as ambulatory care, burn care, developmental disabilities, emergency, geriatrics, home care, intensive care, mother/baby care, oncology, operating room, pediatrics, psychiatric nursing, recovery, rehabilitation, research, or school nursing.

There are many professional pathways for nurses today including influencing legislation, changing health care delivery systems, writing and publishing, disease prevention and health promotion education, and participating on boards of directors. Professional paths may include practice in private ventures, collaborative practice, alternative care, teaching, community care, journalism, business, sales and marketing, law and informatics.


Theatre nurse

There are three main types of nurses which may be in the operating room during a surgical procedure. There is the scrub nurse, circulating nurse and the theatre nurse. The scrub nurse actually scrubs in, in a similar manner as the surgeon. The scrub nurse will use sanitizing soaps, gloves and attire because he/she will be in close proximity to the surgeon, patient and will be touching the instruments as he/she hands them to the surgeon. Scrub nurses work in conjunction with the surgeon to keep the surgery flowing and providing the surgeon with the proper instruments throughout. The circulating nurse is not required to “scrub in” because he/she is there to ensure patient care and safety as well as ensure the surgical room is prepared with all necessary equipment, supplies and personnel as required for the procedure. The circulating nurse represents the patient if anything does not go as planned in surgery, ensuring that all care, concerns and wishes are carried out on behalf of the patient. Then we have the theatre nurse. The theatre nurse is very versatile and can quickly and easily take the position and responsibilities of either the scrub nurse or the circulating nurse. A theatre nurse position is very desirable for a person whom would like to participate in more surgical procedures. Because this person is so versatile, they must be very well educated and prepared to take control of either position within the procedure. A theatre nurse will have a full understanding of the operating room technique which is preferred and/or required by the facility, surgeon and other staff. These techniques are in place to provide the most conducive environment for both the staff and the patient. For more information and free career advise visit your local college or nursing school for a free personal assessment.


Evidence based practice in nursing

Evidence based practice in nursing is proven evidence based research studies and testing applied in a clinical environment then applied in a practical manner to improve the care and treatment of patience. The process involves critical testing, analysis, research, study and application of treatment techniques and procedures to obtain optimum patient outcome. When you are looking for a school or additional education and training classes for your career, look for a practical nurse course. These courses offer a different perspective over some of the other courses offered, giving you a better understanding of some of the most recent research finding and techniques to better assist your patients. General nursing information is available at nearly every college you may be considering. But you may also choose to speak with someone in the human resource department of a local hospital to better guide you in specialized nursing careers which may be currently desired, they may even specify a specific school in the area for which they prefer to hire from. As you progress and near the end of your educational pursuit of a nursing career, nursing reflection may be an important point. Nursing reflection can help guide you as to whether you are happy with your career directing, or if a specialized nursing career is better suited for you. You may not even realize your end nursing career goals until you are working in the field that is o.k., you can take specialized classes later to improve your skills and become an even better nurse than before.

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