Go With the Flow

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Go With the Flow

Nursing is never easy, especially when you work in an area like the emergency room, or a nursing home where death and dying are always knocking at the door. This is why nurse humor is so important to the job. No matter what that day has in store for you, learn to laugh it off. Building a good nurse/patient relationship with the people that you work with can make it all the more easy.

Accumulate humorous stories. Take in anything that you can laugh at. Did someone tell a funny joke that made you laugh? Perhaps one of the elderly people you work with wandered around all day with toilet paper on their shoe. Whatever happens, take it all with a grain of salt and learn to go with the flow. Nurse jokes are all over the internet, try to find a site that offers many of them and start each shift with a joke to carry you through. Tell it to everyone so they can share in your laughter. Little things like these will make the day go by all the more quicker.



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